Item Detail : cerulean umbrite shard

Item namecerulean umbrite shard
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Reward from Quest(s)No quests offer this item as a reward
RecipesNo recipes create this item
Looted/collected fromKralet Penumbra [Contested] : the corpse of Vorv'Thadd
Kralet Penumbra [Contested] : the corpse of a deep lurker
Kralet Penumbra [Contested] : the corpse of an Aberrant orator
Kralet Penumbra [Contested] : the corpse of an Aberrant spell-eater
Kralet Penumbra [Contested] : the corpse of an Aberrant ripper
Kralet Penumbra: Rise to Power [Heroic] : the corpse of a gloom-shaded hunter
Kralet Penumbra: Rise to Power [Heroic] : the corpse of an Aberrant discourser
Kralet Penumbra: Rise to Power [Heroic] : the corpse of an Aberrant aggressor
Kralet Penumbra: Rise to Power [Heroic] : the corpse of an Aberrant maligner
Kralet Penumbra: Temple of the Ill-Seen [Heroic] : the corpse of a serrated warpiercer
Kralet Penumbra: Temple of the Ill-Seen [Heroic] : the corpse of an Aberrant magic-eater
Kralet Penumbra: Temple of the Ill-Seen [Heroic] : the corpse of an umbral fathomlurker
Kralet Penumbra: Tepid Depths [Heroic] : the corpse of a depths prowler
Kralet Penumbra: Tepid Depths [Heroic] : the corpse of a deathly octoyogg
Kralet Penumbra: Tepid Depths [Heroic] : the corpse of an Aberrant mind-ripper
Kralet Penumbra: Tepid Depths [Heroic] : the corpse of an Aberrant entwiner
Kralet Penumbra: The Master's Chosen [Heroic] : the corpse of an Aberrant death-screamer
Kralet Penumbra: The Master's Chosen [Heroic] : the corpse of an Aberrant perceptor
Kralet Penumbra: The Master's Chosen [Heroic] : the corpse of an Aberrant obstructor
Maldura: Algorithm For Destruction [Heroic] : the corpse of a spidermech defender
Maldura: Algorithm For Destruction [Heroic] : the corpse of animated gnemlin bones
Plane of Magic : the corpse of a lobster monster
Plane of Magic : the corpse of cnidcara feederling
Plane of Magic : the corpse of frenzied cnidcara
Plane of Magic : the corpse of cnidcara feeder
Stygian Threshold [Agnostic] : the corpse of a snarling gnashtooth
Temple of the Dog's Guild Hall : the corpse of an undead stonemason
Temple of the Dog's Guild Hall : the corpse of Cugdava
Thalumbra, the Ever Deep : the corpse of an abyssal fathomlurker
Thalumbra, the Ever Deep : the corpse of an ancient arbiter
Thalumbra, the Ever Deep : the corpse of an embergaze basilisk
Thalumbra, the Ever Deep : the corpse of an Aberrant adversary
Thalumbra, the Ever Deep : the corpse of an awoken gnemlin
Thalumbra, the Ever Deep : the corpse of an Aberrant infiltrator
Thalumbra, the Ever Deep : the corpse of an Aberrant aggressor
Thalumbra, the Ever Deep : the corpse of a squatting cepholex
The Fabled Ruins of Varsoon : the corpse of a deafening shrieker
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