Item Detail : Illegible Scroll: Mana Schism (Adept)

Item nameIllegible Scroll: Mana Schism (Adept)
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Reward from Quest(s)No quests offer this item as a reward
RecipesNo recipes create this item
Looted/collected fromAurelian Coast: Sambata Village [Solo] : the Ornate Chest of Mrokor, the Smartist
Eryslai: The Bixel Hive [Solo] : the Ornate Chest of Anzarion
Eryslai: Trials of Air [Event Heroic] : the Exquisite Chest of Cyclono
Fordel Midst: Bizarre Bazaar [Solo] : the Ornate Chest of Bazaar Baron Brixwald
Fordel Midst: The Listless Spires [Event Heroic] : the Exquisite Chest of Old Witherby
Fordel Midst: Wayward Manor [Solo] : the Ornate Chest of Eegut Stonegut
Sanctus Seru: Echelon of Order [Solo] : the Exquisite Chest of Dichromanus
Solusek's Eye: The Calling [Heroic] : the Exquisite Chest of Dread Lady Vezarra
The Ruins of Ssraeshza [Solo] : the Ornate Chest of Vesshtri the Swordfang
The Ruins of Ssraeshza [Solo] : the Ornate Chest of Gorgorah the Shadowmanic
The Venom of Ssraeshza [Solo] : the Ornate Chest of Rhag'Voreth
Vegarlson, the Earthen Badlands : the Ornate Chest of Spinetongue
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