Item Detail : Advanced Jeweler Volume 32

Item nameAdvanced Jeweler Volume 32
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Reward from Quest(s)No quests offer this item as a reward
RecipesNo recipes create this item
Looted/collected fromButcherblock Mountains : the Small Chest of a thirsting swooper
Butcherblock Mountains : the Small Chest of a mature emerald drake
into combat by casting Rescue on Schneckerl : the Small Chest of a mischievous maiden
Kaladim : the Small Chest of a Terrok drill master
Kaladim : the Small Chest of a Grungetalon porter
Kaladim : the Small Chest of a Terrok sergeant
Nektropos Castle : the Treasure Chest of Swine Lord
Nektropos Castle : the Small Chest of a dark patron
Nektropos Castle : the Small Chest of an Everling sentinel
Nektropos Castle : the treasure chest of an Everling sentinel
Nektropos Castle : the Small Chest of a mimic
Nektropos Castle : the Small Chest of an attendant of Everling
Nektropos Castle : the Small Chest of a patchwork soldier
Runnyeye : the Small Chest of a Runnyeye trickster
Runnyeye : the Small Chest of a Runnyeye bruiser
Runnyeye : the Small Chest of a Runnyeye brawler
Runnyeye : the Small Chest of a Runnyeye sorcerer
Runnyeye : the Small Chest of a Runnyeye defiler
Runnyeye : the Small Chest of a Runnyeye mender
Runnyeye : the Treasure Chest of an enslaved warboar
Runnyeye : the Small Chest of an enslaved warboar
Runnyeye : the Small Chest of a Gorehorn pitfighter
Sundered Splitpaw: Gladiator's Triumph : the Small Chest of a virulent rock crawler
Sundered Splitpaw: Hideout : the Small Chest of a Lteth Mal laggard
Sundered Splitpaw: Trial of Harclave : the Small Chest of a Zygomyd Spore King
Sundered Splitpaw: Upper Tunnels : the Small Chest of an infernal Tesch Mas
The D'Vinnian Throne : the Small Chest of a Crushbone gladiator
The D'Vinnian Throne : the Treasure Chest of a Crushbone thaumaturgist
The D'Vinnian Throne : the Small Chest of a Crushbone legionnaire
The D'Vinnian Throne : the Small Chest of a conscripted Feir'Dal
The D'Vinnian Throne : the Small Chest of a Crushbone trainer
The Drowned Caverns: Outer Grotto : the Small Chest of a Zygomyd malignancy
The Enchanted Lands : the Small Chest of a very mischievous maiden
The Enchanted Lands : the Small Chest of a Mistcaller mischiefmaker
The Enchanted Lands : the Small Chest of a mischievous maiden
The Enchanted Lands : the Small Chest of a klakrok drone
The Enchanted Lands : the Small Chest of a grove badger
The Enchanted Lands : the Small Chest of a young grove badger
The Enchanted Lands : the Small Chest of a Seamist sylph
The Enchanted Lands : the Small Chest of an impaler wasp
The Enchanted Lands : the Small Chest of an unruly impaler
The Enchanted Lands : The treasure chest of a grove badger
The Enchanted Lands : The treasure chest of a young grove badger
The Enchanted Lands : the Small Chest of a salt snapper
The Ruins of Varsoon : the Small Chest of a Ci`Re apprentice
The Ruins of Varsoon : the Small Chest of a darkly pulsing tome
The Ruins of Varsoon : the Small Chest of a clay guardian
The Ruins of Varsoon : the Small Chest of a mindless cook
The Ruins of Varsoon : the Small Chest of a dominant claychanter
The Ruins of Varsoon : the Small Chest of a Varsoon taster
The Ruins of Varsoon : the Treasure Chest of The Creator
The Ruins of Varsoon : the treasure chest of Hrath T'vol
The Ruins of Varsoon : the Small Chest of a Ymeresh apprentice
The Tombs of Night : the Small Chest of an albino cave snake
The Tombs of Night : the Treasure Chest of Nilth T'Feyd
The Tombs of Night : the Treasure Chest of Chief Strongarm
The Tombs of Night: A Search For Answers : the Small Chest of a mist grinnin ruffian
The Tombs of Night: A Search For Answers : the Small Chest of a mist grinnin netslinger
The Tombs of Night: A Search For Answers : the Small Chest of a mist grinnin cultivator
The Tombs of Night: A Search For Answers : the Small Chest of a hellhound
The Tombs of Night: A Search For Answers : the Small Chest of a mist grinnin brute
The Tombs of Night: A Search For Answers : the Treasure Chest of a mist grinnin fisher
The Tombs of Night: A Search For Answers : the Small Chest of a ravenous feeder
The Tombs of Night: Retribution : the Small Chest of a flesh draped knight
Unearthing : the Small Chest of a D'Morte cleanser
Zek, the Orcish Wastes : the Small Chest of a Tallon trooper
Zek, the Orcish Wastes : the Small Chest of a Tallon spotter
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